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Nursing is a profession centered on caring for individuals and promoting health and well-being. While the primary focus is often on the individual patient, it is important to recognize that patients exist within a larger social and familial context. The family plays a vital role in the health and well-being of its members and, as such, should be included as a central part of nursing practice.
Advantages of family involvement
One reason the family should be at the center of nursing practice is that it can improve patient outcomes. Studies have shown that involving families in patient care can lead to better patient satisfaction, fewer hospital readmissions, and shorter hospital stays. This is because families often have important knowledge about the patient’s medical history, preferences, and support needs. By including the family in the care process, nurses can gain valuable insights and make more informed decisions about the patient’s care.
Another reason the family should be included in nursing practice is that it can help promote patient autonomy and empowerment. When patients are involved in their own care, they are more likely to feel in control of their health and have a sense of ownership over their treatment decisions. By including the family in the care process, nurses can facilitate patient participation and decision-making, which can lead to better outcomes and a more positive patient experience.
Benefits for the nurse
In addition to the benefits for the patient, involving the family in nursing practice can also be beneficial for the nurse. Working with families can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the patient’s social and cultural context, which can inform the development of a care plan tailored to the patient’s needs and values. By building strong relationships with families, nurses can also gain support and resources that can help to ease the burden of caregiving.
Where to study family-centered nursing
If you are interested in family-centered nursing and a change of career, you may want to consider the Holy Family accelerated nursing program. It places a strong emphasis on family-centered healthcare. Universities such as the Holy Family University offer hybrid accelerated nursing degrees designed for experienced learners with bachelor’s degrees. This program is designed to prepare you for your nursing licensure in just over a year, and the course is 100% online, so you can stay in your full-time job if you wish.
One advantage of the family-centered nursing approach is that it acknowledges the importance of the family in the patient’s healthcare journey and recognizes that the patient is not an isolated individual but rather a member of a larger social network. By involving the family in the care process, nurses can gain valuable insights and resources that can help improve patient outcomes and the patient’s overall experience. In addition, a family-centered approach can help promote patient autonomy and empower patients to be more involved in their own care. Overall, the Holy Family University accelerated nursing program provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to provide care centered on the needs and values of patients and their families.
Challenges of involving the family in nursing practice
Despite the many benefits of involving the family in nursing practice, it is important to recognize that there can be challenges and barriers to family involvement. Some families may not be able to participate due to distance, work commitments, or other constraints. In these cases, it is important for nurses to be flexible and find creative ways to involve the family, such as through phone calls, video conferences, or other forms of communication.
Another challenge that nurses may face is cultural differences. Nurses need to be culturally sensitive and respect the values, beliefs, and practices of patients and their families. This may involve adapting care plans to accommodate cultural practices or working with interpreters or cultural brokers to facilitate communication.
In conclusion, the family should be at the center of nursing practice because it can improve patient outcomes, promote patient autonomy and empowerment, and provide valuable insights and resources for the nurse. By building strong relationships with families and being culturally sensitive, nurses can provide care tailored to the needs and values of the patients and their families. And becoming a nurse could take you places you never thought were possible.
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